Monday, May 18, 2020

Overcoming Sleeping Disorder Personal Experience

I have always had problems sleeping due to trauma and have struggled for years to help myself control my insomnia and not let it control me. Sometimes it would come in handy and I could use it to my advantage but most of the time it just ruined me, my attitude, my focus, and my ability to cope. Naps were out of the question, I would literally have to stay awake until my body and mind gave out, something had to give eventually. No matter what I did, how much I exercised, what I ate, how much caffeine I didn’t drink, what medications I tried, it all never really helped me. I was so sick of always just putting a band aid on everything and it never ever solved the underlying problem. There were a few things I had started doing in order to†¦show more content†¦I have always used music to help me remember things, for school and such, and it was when I came to this realization that I thought, since I was trying to unearth the memories and put together the bits and pieces th at were coming out through my unconscious, I could play music while I slept to help me remember what I dreamt about when I was awake. Not only did this help me to remember but I also found that it helped me stay asleep because it broke up the sometimes night-long dreams into shortened spurts that were easier to keep track of. I could hear some of the songs while I slept, when the song changed, so did my dream. I would always hear the music just before I woke up and when I played them when awake; sure enough I could remember details from my dreams or at least how I felt. Once I woke up I would play the playlist I developed before I went to bed and write while I listened. I would write about whatever came to mind, free association, and when I faced the complete reality, it was the scariest thing I had ever encountered. I opened a door that could never be shut again and I began to remember exactly what happened in my past that was affecting my life now. I begin to rationalize about th e memories. I knew that when you’re a child you may not know exactly what happened but you always remember how it made you feel. It was something that tookShow MoreRelatedEssay On Parents Who Are Affected By Their Children Health1277 Words   |  6 Pagesstress, difficulties sleeping and not having a social life because of their child’s disability. These factors may help parents by addressing what other parents experience when raising a child with developmental disabilities. As well as help balance the stressful situation that are affecting their well-being (Sivberg, B., 2002). Stress can be the result of many things. 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